Wednesday, June 12, 2013

...and she's mobile...

I am in SO much trouble.  Not only has Pea (aka Abbi) started crawling - and pretty fast when she really wants something - she has started pulling herself up against stuff and walking.  Slowly but surely my little miracle baby is growing up...too fast.  Seems like yesterday she was this little baby sleeping on my desk.  Now, she's crawling all over the office.

We still only have 2 teeth (after almost 2 1/2 months) but I know there are more coming in.  Fingers, toys, my shirt - everything goes in her mouth.  Everything, that is, except food.  She will not eat food for ANYTHING!  Bottles - fine!  Spoon of food - NEVER!  I actually put some baby food in her bottle so she'd at least get the taste of it.  She didn't want it at first but then drank almost the whole bottle.  Hopefully that helps.  It was just Banana Orange a little like breakfast.  Can't imagine putting the Vegetable Macaroni & Cheese in there.  Ick.

I've been on Pinterest like an addict looking for ideas for her first birthday party.  Holy crap - there is so much I'd love to do.  I did decide to splurge on the cake.  Found one and talked to the bakery downstairs at work...they will do it for $70.  Hmmm - my Pea is definitely worth it.  I've got the shelter at the park reserved and we are all set!  I can't wait!

Still no word from SD or his family - which is a good thing.  According to his BFF he wants to wait until she is older before he sees her.  Um, sorry buddy...that ain't happenin'.  You aren't going to waltz into her life whenever you damn well feel like it.  You don't claim her now - what difference will it make in a year or two?  Oops...sorry for the vent.

Okay - coffee is gone and it's time to get ready for work.  Make it a fabulous day!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

We Have A Tooth!

At age 7 months 1 week, Abigail got her first tooth!  It's been HELL ever since as I think she is working on cutting more.  She has been stuffy with a runny nose, lots of drooling, and constantly chewing on anything she can get in her mouth.  Oy vey.  I'll be glad when this is all over!

She is almost completely mobile too.  She will roll over onto her tummy and go backwards (she can't quite figure out how to go forward).  I've left her on the living room floor, gone into the kitchen for a quick second, and she's scooted herself to behind the couch.  She will just look up at me like "What's wrong, momma?"

Time to start baby-proofing!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Two years later...

It's been a LONG time since I last posted!  A lot has happened so let me fill you in.

I started an AWESOME job in February 2011.  I am the Office Manager for a painting contractor. my job!  I am the only female so no bitchy women to work with.  The guys can whine and complain but nothing like an office full of females.  So glad I'm out of that mess.  Our office used to be off 2nd and University (scary neighborhood) but we moved last March to Clive.  Really neat office - a wall of windows with a southern view.

Fast forward to 2012 (not much else exciting happened in 2011)!  My ex-boyfriend and I broke up in September so it was just Levi and I.  I started seeing someone late October/early November.  Found out on New Years Day that I was pregnant.  Talk about a shock!  From "you'll never have any more kids" to "yes, you're pregnant" - I was totally not ready for that.  In fact, I was in denial for almost 2 months.  Telling him was hard...telling my parents was harder.  He said he didn't want any more kids (he has 2) and wished I would have told him sooner so we could have "gotten it taken care of".  Sorry buddy - not an option.  I heard all the lies...he wasn't sure what to do, he didn't want to ruin what we had, yes he wanted to be in her life.  Come to find out - he went back to his ex-wife 3 months after I told him AND told everyone in his family she wasn't his.  Oh well, I have a beautiful little girl I don't have to share!

Abigail Lyn was born on August 17th, 2012 at 7:54 am via c-section.  She weighed 7 lbs. .5 ozs. and was 18" long.  She had strawberry blond hair and navy blue eyes and looks exactly like her dad.  And she is perfect in every way!

These are from her 6 month photo session.  She didn't like the continuous flash (went to Portrait Innovations) so she teared up quite a bit.  Believe it or not, we got her to smile by pulling up Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (her favorite show) on my phone!

She is the light of my life, my entire world.  I am so thankful that I was chosen to be her momma.  She adores her big brother (and I'm pretty sure he feels the same about her).

We moved from the south side to the west side the end of October.  Levi can ride his bike to and from school (we are 8 blocks west of his dad) and it only takes me 10 minutes to get to work!  It's so nice not to have to share a room with a baby.  My room is actually an addition off her room so I can shut her door and we have our own little wing.  It was painted a soft yellow - I really didn't like it at first but it looks really good with the raspberry pink and lilac purple of her bedding set!  In a couple of years when Levi moves out she will get his room and I'll get my couponing office!  More about that in the next post.  ;-)

So, this blog may have taken a different direction for a little while, but I promise once she becomes a little more independent (and the weather becomes nicer) I will get back to cooking & stick around!