Wednesday, June 12, 2013

...and she's mobile...

I am in SO much trouble.  Not only has Pea (aka Abbi) started crawling - and pretty fast when she really wants something - she has started pulling herself up against stuff and walking.  Slowly but surely my little miracle baby is growing up...too fast.  Seems like yesterday she was this little baby sleeping on my desk.  Now, she's crawling all over the office.

We still only have 2 teeth (after almost 2 1/2 months) but I know there are more coming in.  Fingers, toys, my shirt - everything goes in her mouth.  Everything, that is, except food.  She will not eat food for ANYTHING!  Bottles - fine!  Spoon of food - NEVER!  I actually put some baby food in her bottle so she'd at least get the taste of it.  She didn't want it at first but then drank almost the whole bottle.  Hopefully that helps.  It was just Banana Orange a little like breakfast.  Can't imagine putting the Vegetable Macaroni & Cheese in there.  Ick.

I've been on Pinterest like an addict looking for ideas for her first birthday party.  Holy crap - there is so much I'd love to do.  I did decide to splurge on the cake.  Found one and talked to the bakery downstairs at work...they will do it for $70.  Hmmm - my Pea is definitely worth it.  I've got the shelter at the park reserved and we are all set!  I can't wait!

Still no word from SD or his family - which is a good thing.  According to his BFF he wants to wait until she is older before he sees her.  Um, sorry buddy...that ain't happenin'.  You aren't going to waltz into her life whenever you damn well feel like it.  You don't claim her now - what difference will it make in a year or two?  Oops...sorry for the vent.

Okay - coffee is gone and it's time to get ready for work.  Make it a fabulous day!